At its core, diversification is deliberate uncertainty recognizing that it is difficult to know with particular subset of an asset class, or sector is likely to outperform another. Broad diversification, done effectively, seeks to capture the returns of different types of investments over time but with less volatility at any one time. Diversification done right should produce long term returns that outperform portfolios that are too heavily weighted in any one security, sector, or asset class.
Many investors, especially those still reeling from the 2008 – 2011 stock market roller coaster ride, have developed a low tolerance for volatility. As a result they have moved a significant portion of their investments into bonds or other fixed yield vehicles.
In many respects, people can be their own worst enemies in their quest for financial security. When you consider that our lives are nothing more than a culmination of the decisions we make each day, if we tend to make more bad decisions than good decisions, or worse, if we can’t make decisions at all, it’s should be no surprise when financial security  remains elusive.
A growing number of parents are becoming concerned over the limitations of their college savings options and the poor returns they’re generating. 529 college savings plans have been criticized for their anemic returns and high fees, and parents are often limited to plans available in their state.