Investing in Tangible Assets

by Tim Estes on

Remember Beanie Babies?  In the late 1990’s, Beanie Baby mania swept the country, with amateur collectors searching frantically at every card shop and kids store to find the latest beanie. Many turned to online stores and eBay, looking for the Beanie Baby that would make them enough money to retire...

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected us all in ways that we didn’t anticipate at the start of the year, especially when it comes to our finances. And unfortunately, just as federal emergency benefits are starting to run out, signs of a second wave of the virus are looming—and some may even say it’s...

Retiring as a Small Business Owner

by Tim Estes on

There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States. Many people start their own businesses in order to become their own boss and take control over their schedules, career goals and finances. It can be incredibly rewarding to start and own a successful small business. But one thing that...

Bankruptcy Basics

by Tim Estes on

While never an easy decision, filing bankruptcy can provide immediate assistance to those struggling to pay their debts. A long, sometimes complicated process, filing bankruptcy should never be the first solution to manage debt, but can provide a way to start over, free from overwhelming debt.


Ups and Downs of Online-Only Banking

by Tim Estes on

The digital world has transformed professional industries in unique ways that prior to internet access would have been impossible. Doctors can monitor patients remotely, lawyers can offer counsel online, software can complete your taxes for you, and even financial investments and advertisements can...

Different Types of Mortgages

by Tim Estes on

If you’re currently in the market for a home, it will speed up the process considerably if you’re familiar with the various mortgage options available. Finding a mortgage that suits your current financial needs can be challenging, but understanding the various types of mortgages available and their...

If you’ve spent more than five minutes on a kid’s television network, you’ve seen just how inundated young kids are with commercials for everything from the latest gadget, to some dreadful snack that features something gooey and/or messy. It’s also safe to bet that many of these kids run to their...

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

by Tim Estes on

In recent years, reverse mortgages have been enthusiastically marketed to homeowners ages 62 and over. Optimally designed for homeowners with at least 50 percent equity in their home, reverse mortgages allow homeowners to tap into that equity, providing them with a regular monthly payment – the...